The Best Fun Places for Kids for Every Season.

Every season brings a new opportunity to try and figure out fun things to do with kids to enjoy that time of year. Kids and parents alike sometimes wait all year for that one activity that has become a family tradition or family play place while others scourer the internet looking for fun places for kids to just go wild. Here are the best indoor activities for kids for every season:


Hands down the best seasonal activity is everyone’s favorite past time, ice skating. Ice skating has been around since before your great grandparents time and remains one of the most popular winter activities. Childhood memories are made on the ice, with slipping and sliding all over the place and cold noses. Truth time, cold noses mean cold weather and most kids can’t last in freezing temps. Winter, while fun for an hour also has parents looking for things to do with kids that don’t end in red fingers and crying. While, there is nothing like skating across the ice with the wind in your hair and a smile on your face modern ice skating rinks now offer two things your childhood ice rink didn’t.  1- ice rinks are now indoors and 2- modern ice rinks are also made of synthetic ice which means they can be heated! Today’s synthetic ice rinks rank high on fun places for kids.


Fall is the season of most change as we watch the leaves fall and the temperatures cool. The coolest thing about fall and perhaps the most exciting is getting stay cozy inside and prep for winter. Our favorite way to prep for winter is taking a spin on our year-round ice rink. Nothing says “welcome winter” like a skate through a synthetic ice rink. Grab a pumpkin latte and have a seat in our lounge as you watch your kiddies skate around. If you are looking for indoor activities for toddlers, we also offer balance buddies so you can watch their first skating steps on the ice! Fun starts early on our synthetic ice rink!

Fun Indoor Activities for Kids aren’t Seasonal

Fun Places for Kids

No matter which season you are in, looking for things to do with kids is always on your seasonal mind. Warmer months may feel easier to figure out activities but with those summer scorchers you’ll need and indoor activity backup plan. Plan to come inside for a nice cool skate to get out of the sun. Our synthetic ice may be room temp but our year-round ice skating is the coolest.


Watch the flowers bloom and then come inside to skate with us on our year-round ice rink. Indoor activities for kids aren’t just for winter and bad weather, sometimes they are for special events like any weekend during the spring! Absolutely go outside and enjoy the weather! Then come inside and enjoy our “ice”! 


Oh man do we have the best summer bucket list activity for you to check off. Wait for it…Summer. Synthetic. Ice. Skating. Figuratively, the coolest thing you will do all summer. Ya, the beach is cool with all that sand that finds its way in the wrong places, and the sun shining down on your unwrinkled skin. Love the water too… especially  the 2 hour drive in traffic to get there and the one hour time spent looking for a $30 parking spot. Love it, totally. Truly the most fun place for kids is happening this summer is a skate on our synthetic year-round indoor air conditioned free parking ice rink. 

Fun isn’t Seasonal and Neither is Our Year-Round Ice Rink.

Look no further for things to do with kids because our synthetic year-round ice rink tops everyone’s list as the number one indoor activity for kids.

Fox Valley Mall Hours

  • Monday - Saturday
  • Sunday
  • 10am - 9pm
  • 11am - 6pm

Yorktown Center Hours

  • Monday - Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • 3pm - 9pm
  • 10am - 9pm
  • 11am - 6pm

*Holiday Hours May Vary

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Complete Synthetic Ice Rink Turnkey Solution. Suitable for two locations.


Contact Eugene for more details.